College Technology Services strives to provide the best technical (Academic Computing & Audio Visual) support to enhance student learning outcomes and student services. College Technology Services foster information literacy in the classroom and academic computing labs across the campus.
Mesa provides free, high-speed Wi-Fi to all students, faculty, and classified professionals.
Learn how to access the campus WIFI network.
Guide for Android Phone Users to login to WIFI.
If you encounter WiFi problems, then submit a help ticket to the district service desk
Student Technology Support
Student Email/Canvas Multi-Factor Authentication Issues
Place a service ticket with IT.
If you need immediate, in person, assistance please stop by Admissions located on the first floor of the Student Services (I4-102) building.
Student Email
SDCCD students will have access to sdccd.edu student email accounts and Office 365 starting Fall 2022.
Learn how to access your student email
How to setup your student email and Microsoft 365
How to setup multi-factor authetication (MFA)
Canvas Learning Managment System
Mesa Canvas Learning Center for Students.
For 24/7 Canvas technical assistance please call toll-free (844) 612-7421 or email: support@instructure.com
SDCCD Student Support Help Desk
Classroom Technology Support
Newline Training Request Form
Academic and Instructional Technology Support
- Please submit an Online Trouble Ticket or call 619-388-2880 to report a malfunctioning classroom or laboratory computer, podium, projector, software or other equipment. If this equipment needs immediate resolution please call 619-388-2880 and request assistance, you can also report broken copier/printer machines as well.
- Please submit your Intersession/Spring 2025 classroom/laboratory computer (on-site and distance education) and other technology related equipmnet requests on or before Monday, October 21, 2024.
- Please submit your Intersession/Spring 2025 classroom/laboratory computer (on-site and distance education) and other technology related equipmnet requests on or before Monday, October 21, 2024.
- Requests received after the posted deadline date may not be fulfilled in time for the beginning of the college term. Please submit a Technology Request Form for both hardware and software needs.
- To request a computer, equipment installation or move, software installation, revision or update for your classroom PC, etc. please submit a Technology Request Form for both hardware and software needs.
- Note: Faculty should ensure software, computers and other forms of instructional technology conform to their expected standards prior to the start of the instructional period.
Location: MC-215
Telephone: 619-388-2880
Canvas Learning Managment System
Login to Mesa Canvas Learning Center for Faculty, Staff and Students.
For 24/7 Canvas technical assistance please call toll-free (844) 612-7421 or email: support@instructure.com
Employee Discount Programs
The District offers a variety of hardware, software and supply discounts to District employees.
View Employee Discount Programs
Scantron Locations
You can find Scantron readers in the following locations:
- G-339
- LOFT (LRC 4th Floor)
- Z-208
- S-324
- MC-113
- MS-302
- BT-211A
Audio Visual Technology Support
For general inquiries on the technology equipment check-out, please contact Office of Technology Services at 619-388-2880.
Classroom Podium Keys and AV/Podium Training
- Please submit an email to MesaCTS@sdccd.edu for classroom podium keys and/or classroom equipment training.
- Please provide in your email your availability so we can schedule an appropriate time to meet.
- View a brief classroom podium training video
- View a MC 211A conference room training video
Audio Visual (AV) Equipment Setup Request for Events
If you are planning an event requiring AV support, please go to the Events & Reservation Portal and enter your AV needs as part of your event request. AV support outside Monday-Friday hours of 8am-4:30pm require a minimum of 20 working days notice to be considered.
Pay for Print Support
Mesa College uses the PaperCut Print Management system for student printing. Students can create a PaperCut print account, add funds to their print account using PayPal and send print jobs from any device on or off campus. Learn more about PaperCut Print System
PaperCut print release station are located in:
- LRC, AVANZA (I4-203)
- Student Services (I-400) 1st floor
- Student Services (I-400) 4th floor
- Mass Music Lab (C-108)
- Printing & Mail Services (MC-215)
- MS-402, Campus Bookstore
- Design Center (Z-303).
Note: Please be sure to add the amount that you need as refunds are not provided.
How to use PaperCut System
Employee Office Support
- Please contact District Information Technology Service at IT Help Desk at 619-388-7000 or submit a ticket, if you experience a problem with your office computer/laptop or district provided printer, plan office relocation, need computer installation or need assistance with an installation of software on your computer/laptop.
- Please contact Printing and Mail Services at 619-388-2764 or submit a trouble ticket to report a problem with Scantron machine or copiers for faculty and staff.
- Please contact District IT or 619-388-7000 for office telephone assistance, such as new installation, relocation, resetting security code, voicemail setup, etc.
- Teams Phone Information and Training