Committee on Outcomes and Assessment


The Committee on Outcomes and Assessment (COA) has, as its primary goal, to facilitate an equitable, accessible, and meaningful learning experience for all Mesa students. In order to achieve this purpose, COA will establish and maintain structures and standards for outcomes assessment, create a framework for authentic assessment of learning, support innovation and provide professional learning around outcomes assessment, promote a culture that integrates outcomes assessment results into the continuous quality improvement cycle, and ensure Institutional Learning Outcomes reflect Mesa’s Mission and curriculum.

COA Deliverables 2024-25

  1. Develop and coordinate the activities to meet ACCJC’s requirements for the Follow-up Report in October 2025. 
  2. Collaborate with Program Review committee for a more integrated structure and process to ensure compliance with ACCJC requirements. 

Type: Governance

Reports to: Planning & Institutional Effectiveness (PIE)

Meets: COA meets on the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of the month, 4:00pm-5:00pm via Zoom | View Agendas & Minutes


  1. Promote a practice of meaningful dialogue around learning outcomes development, assessment, and improvement college-wide.
  2. Provide a forum to generate learning outcomes and assessment ideas and practices while sharing progress and accomplishments.
  3. Incorporate learning outcomes assessment in Guided Pathways, Program Review, and Integrated Planning Processes.
  4. Support faculty and classified professionals to complete effective learning assessments aligned with our cycle timeline.
  5. Participate in ongoing professional learning around different types of learning assessments and provide leadership to the campus regarding best practices.
  6. Maintain the structural and technological components of the learning outcomes process.

Membership 2024-2025

Agendas and Minutes

Additional Information

COA Meeting Schedule 2024-2025

* COA Webpage Representative: Sahar Mona King
