Collaborate. Innovate. Lead.
San Diego Mesa College has a vibrant and productive participatory governance. When you take an active role in the committees which are part of this governance, you become stewards of our resources and advance effective practices in support of accountability. This is an opportunity to share ideas, collaborate with colleagues and support innovation in our goal of becoming the leading college of equity and excellence. These roles strengthen leadership and provide learning pathways that enhance your work life.
You are encouraged to be involved, share your knowledge and become part of the leadership that guides our campus toward success. Committee service also supports a commitment to professional development. Professional growth is supported when you arrange committee service into your work schedule. Because these committees are important to our college mission, vision and values, we allow flexibility and time for service on these committees.
These committees are all different in the work they do, but all committees support the same goal. We are all called to be a resource in different ways and we welcome your exploration and desire to build and sustain a sense of the community. Please view opportunities for service:
Governance Committees
College Governance Committees are designed to make decisions and then recommendations directly to President’s Cabinet and the President. Governance Committees often represent operational committees through the governance process and they are represented by faculty, students, staff and administration. Through this inclusive representation all stakeholders have the opportunity to take part in the decision making process.
The Budget Allocation and Recommendation Committee (BARC) is designed to engage on focused work in the development of principles, recommendations and priorities for the Mesa's General Fund Unrestricted Budget.
The Committee for Diversity Action, Inclusion and Equity (CDAIE) is responsible for engaging and supporting students, faculty and staff in the ongoing process of transforming our campus environment into one which we envision as safe, supportive, culturally proficient, globally inclusive and reflective of the larger San Diego community.
The Committee on Outcomes and Assessment (COA) oversees and coordinates Outcomes and Assessment practices for Instruction, Student Services, and Administrative Units at the College level.
The Enrollment Management Committee is responsible for implementing a collaborative, innovative, and student-centered three-year strategic enrollment management plan.
The Environmental Sustainability Committee (ESC) is responsible for educating faculty, staff, and students regarding recycling, conservation, and hazardous waste disposal.
The Facilities Planning Committee is responsible for reviewing major facility issues which impact Mesa College, provide long-range facilities planning and oversee the maintenance, repair, remodeling and building of Mesa College's Facility Master Plan.
The Mesa Information Technology Committee (MIT) is responsible for assessing the current status of Information Technology in the delivery of services to Mesa College students and to develop, implement, and assess a strategic technology plan.
The Mesa Pathways Committee (MPC) uses an integrated, equity-minded, student-centered approach to facilitate student success. Through structured educational experiences, MPC works to close equity gaps, improve student outcomes and guide students into and through college to the completion of personal, academic and professional goals.
The Planning and Institutional Effectiveness Committee (PIE) committee is designed to advance the overall planning work for the College.
The Program Review Steering Committee is responsible for disseminating information in the program review handbook and website containing questions, criteria, guidelines and forms.
The Safety Committee provides planning related to safety enhancements, emergency contingencies and disaster preparedness.
The Success Equity and Transformation Committee (SETC) is responsible for supporting and leading innovative campus initiatives that strengthen student access, success, and equity.
Operational Committees
Operational Committees are designed to make recommendations through the college governance process. As a result of those recommendations, operational committees are also charged with carrying into effect the mission, vision and values of Mesa College. This work is determined through recommendations which have been approved by the appropriate governing body. Operational committees report through a governance committee or council or through the functional area to which they report. Through this process they are represented at President’s Cabinet where final decisions are made.
The Academic Affairs Committee is a operational committee of San Diego Mesa College. The Academic Affairs Committee is responsible for making recommendations and help to carry out Academic Senate policies regarding curriculum and instructional services.
The Asian Pacific Islander American Advisory Committee is a operational committee of San Diego Mesa College. The APIA Advisory Committee is a longstanding group, contributing to the diversity of the campus community since 1990.
The Campus Employee Learning Committee (CEL) is a operational of San Diego Mesa College. The CEL committee is responsible for supporting the the work of campus groups and it oversees professional development fiscal resources for event programming.
The Catalog Committee is a subcommittee of San Diego Mesa College. The Catalog Committee is responsible for coordinating the yearly update of the college catalog.
The Classified Hiring Priority Committee (CHP) is responsible for determining and prioritizing hiring for Classified Staff.
The Deans' Council is responsible for coordinating day-to-day activities of the Division of Instruction and develops near and mid-term plans for instructional activities and initiatives.
The Faculty Hiring Prioritization Committee (FHP) is responsible for determining faculty hiring needs and making recommendations for hiring new faculty.
The Fine & Performing Arts is a operational of San Diego Mesa College.
The Mesa Distance Education Committee (DE) is responsible for online education awareness and information.
The Mesa Student Services Council (MSSC) is responsible for promoting best practices that promote student success, equity and learning outcomes.
To make recommendations and offer guidance to support Career Technical Education at San Diego Mesa College by leveraging the California Community Colleges State Chancellor’s Office Strong Workforce initiative.
The Veterans Advisory Council is a Campus Support Committee of San Diego Mesa College. The Veterans Advisory Council is responsible for coordinating efforts to enhance services provided to military, veteran, and dependent students.
The Women's Studies Advisory Committee serves as an interdisciplinary forum to foster the investigation of women and gender issues, promote the women’s studies program at Mesa College, and to undertake the planning and execution of a range of gender-related events and initiatives on campus.