Program Review Steering Committee


The Program Review Steering Committee reports to President's Cabinet. Its membership includes faculty, classified staff, students, and administrators each appointed by their respective governance bodies.

The Program Review Steering Committee has the following responsibilities:

  • Review and modify as needed on a regular basis, and disseminate information in the program review handbook and website containing questions, criteria, guidelines and forms.
  • Determine and publish the schedule of programs and service areas in the four-year cycle.
  • Establish and publish timelines for the program review process.
  • Provide training and guidance on a regular and as-needed basis to groups and individuals.
  • Provide training workshops at least once annually to describe the program review goals and process.
  • Provide structured guidance to and collaboration with lead writers, department chairs, and administrative and service area supervisors through the program review process; program review committee members will be assigned as liaisons to each program/administrative/service area at the start of the process to assist writers in developing their program review.
  • At the conclusion of the program review process, prepare final written reports to be presented to the President's Cabinet.

Type: Governance

Reports to: President's Cabinet (PCAB), Planning & Institutional Effectiveness (PIE)

Meets: The Program Review Steering Committee meetings are held on the first Friday of each month, unless otherwise noted, from 12:00-1:30 via Zoom | View Agendas & Minutes


  1. Update PR Handbook and website
  2. Implement and deploy new Program Review workspaces and resource request process via Nuventive
  3. Develop and implement a training plan for Nuventive
    • Provide ongoing technical training in multiple modalities to all Program Review lead writers and Liasons so that they can navigate the system and are aware of expectations
    • Develop a system to communicate with campus throughout the process and receive and respond to feedback
  4. Communicate the outcomes of the program review and resource allocation process to the College
  5. Revise and deploy IP evaluation survey

Membership 2024-2025

Agendas and Minutes

Additional Information

Program Review Meeting Schedule 2024-2025

Program Review Steering Committee Webpage Representative: Sahar Mona King
