Leaf Courses
SDCCD is using the criteria developed by the Association for the Advanced of Sustainability in Higher Education (AASHE) in its course designation system.
2-LEAF courses are “sustainability-focused” according to the following description by AASHE:
To count as a sustainability course, the course title or description must indicate a primary and explicit focus on sustainability. The course title or description does not have to use the term “sustainability” to count as sustainability-focused if the primary and explicit focus of the course is on the interdependence of ecological and social/economic systems or a major sustainability challenge such as climate change.
1-LEAF courses are “sustainability-inclusive according to the following description by the AASHE:
If the course title and description do not unequivocally indicate such a focus, but it is evident from the course description or syllabus that the course incorporates sustainability challenges, issues, and concepts in a prominent way, the course may qualify as course that includes sustainability (a.k.a. sustainability-inclusive).
Students interested in identifying courses and sections of courses that center or incorporate sustainability can search for these courses on the SDCCD online course registration system. Choose "advanced filters" and scroll down to find the "sustainability class" filter.
Faculty who are interested in earning a LEAF designation for their course should contact Michelle Rodriguez at for information about the process.