Support Your Classified

Calling All Classified

Please consider donating $1.00-$5.00 per month through an automatic payroll deduction to the Classified Senate. It is sooo easy to set up through PeopleSoft. Contributions serve as our primary operating budget for the year and help to fund activities like Classified Appreciation Week, Classified scholarships, and the Center for Children Holiday Bazaar. Your contribution will also help us continue to grow the Senate on behalf of all Classified employees.Dues campaign

Ways you can donate:
  • Payroll deduction - To pay via a monthly payroll deduction, see instructions below.
  • PayPal:
  • Check or cash: Please make check payable to “Mesa Classified Senate” and remit to Treasurer, Jennifer Phelps, office/mailbox BT-203. You can contact any member of the Senate Executive Board by email or phone and we’ll make arrangements to come pick it up. If you’d like a receipt, we can provide that, as well.

Payroll deduction instructions:
senate due instructions - revised