Mesa 2030
The Task Force will guide the development, review, and college-wide vetting of the plan, to include the analysis of data and discussion of key findings and recommendations. The recommendations will be presented to the PIE Committee and ultimately submitted to President’s Cabinet.
Measure HH
Video of Presentation to the Board (minutes 41-1:10)
Board Presentation Slide Deck - 5/13/2021
Mesa2030 Goals
Mesa College will institutionalize (or Mesa-nize) practices that clarify pathways to timely completion for students with the priority on those practices that create parity in outcomes across racial/ethnic groups and all disproportionately impacted groups.
Mesa College will prioritize equity and excellence in the classroom by fostering innovation and high-quality, culturally relevant teaching/learning with the priority on those practices that create parity in outcomes across racial/ethnic groups and all disproportionately impacted groups.
Mesa College will build a community culture that utilizes antiracist practices to cultivate collaboration, inclusion, diversity, equity, and personal growth so that all students, employees, and members of our external community are valued.
Mesa College will leverage pathways and partnerships within its internal and external communities to eliminate barriers and provide support for students entering Mesa College, through to completion, and beyond to transfer and employment.
Mesa College will develop and sustain processes that prioritize environmental justice and sustainability, reduce Mesa College's carbon footprint, and allocate its human, physical, technological, and fiscal resources around the goal of increasing student access, success, and parity in outcomes across racial/ethnic groups and all disproportionately impacted groups.
Measure hH - Project Priority
The San Diego Community College District has compiled a comprehensive list of projects to be considered as part of the 2024 bond measure.
The development of the list began in early 2023, with a comprehensive Facilities Condition Index (FCI) assessment completed for all facilities at each college. A preliminary list of project priorities was developed using the assessment and adhering to a set of guiding principles:
- Safety first
- Facilities Strategic Plan (FSP) goals
- New buildings providing a new service to outweigh replacement or renovation of a building that provides a service already being provided
- Buildings with ‘low’ scores should generally rank low
- Minimize swing-space construction
Mesa College, through the shared governance structure and Mesa2030 Facilities Planning Taskforce, prioritized projects identified in the Mesa2030 Comprehensive Educational and Facilities Plan.
San Diego Mesa College
- English and Student Resource Center: Replacing 1960's classrooms for English and Language Arts courses, and to create an updated Basic Needs Resource Center and Culturally Affirming Student Spaces.
- New Kinesiology and Health Facilities: Replacing outdated 1960s buildings with modern exercise science and athletic spaces.
- New Aquatics Center: Supporting lifeguard training and water safety programs, replacing an obsolete 50-year-old facility.
- Modernized Utilities and Central Plant: Up-to-date energy-efficient technologies to reduce costs and ensure reliable performance.
- State-of-the-Art Theatre: Replacing the 1962 Apolliad Theatre with advanced sound, lighting, and stage technologies, including performance spaces and a large event lecture hall.
- Early Education Center: Providing childcare, early education services, and practicum training for students pursuing Childcare Professional certificates, replacing an outdated 1960’s Child Development Center.
- Community Health Center: Offering preventive services, mental health support, dental care, and primary care for students, faculty, staff, and the community while providing educational opportunities for students pursuing Allied Health careers.
Type: Support
Reports to: President's Cabinet (PCAB)
Meets: 1st and 3rd Tuesday of the Month at 3:45 pm | View Agendas & Minutes
Facilities Planning Principles
Membership 2019-2020
SD Mesa Administration
- Lorenze Legaspi
VP Administrative Services - Ashanti Hands
VP Student Services - Isabel O'Connor
VP Instruction - Bridget Herrin
Acting Dean of Institutional Effectiveness - Denise Rogers
Acting Dean, Arts and Languages - Ryan Shumaker
Dean, Athletics - Leticia Diaz
Director, EOPS
Representatives from Major Initiatives
- Monica Romero Strong Workforce
- Rachel Russell Strong Workforce
- Howard Eskew
Pathways - Larry Maxey Equity
Leticia LopezHSI Programs
SD Mesa Faculty
- Sim Bahoum
Faculty, English - Blythe Barton
Faculty, Exercise Science - Michael Fitzerald
Faculty, Culinary - Jesse Keller
Faculty, Drama - Terry Kohlenberg
Faculty, Communication Studies - Mark Manasse
Faculty, Learning Resources/Academic Support - John Crocitti
Faculty, Social and Behavioral Sciences - Donna Budzynski
Faculty, Math and Sciences - Amanda Johnston
Faculty, Health Science and Public - Christine Balderas
Faculty, Health Science and Public - Isaac Arguelles-Ibarra
Faculty, Counselor, DSPS - Leroy Johnson
Faculty, Counselor
SD Mesa Classified Professionals
- Giovanni Garcia
Admin Tech, Office of the President - Trina Larson
Assisstant to VP Student Services - Andrew Tanjuaquio
Classified Staff, Student Development - Michael Davis
Supervisor, District Network Specialist - Agustin Rivera Jr.
AVANZA, CRUISE, Peer Navigator Program - Amy Bettinger
SSSP/Assessment and Placement
SD Mesa Student
- Taylor Carpenter
ASG President
- Lance Lareau
District Architect - Chris Manis
Vice Chancellor, Facilities Management
(x) Classified or Faculty Representative (x) Other representatives
- Madeleine Hinkes
Dean, Institutional Effectiveness - Taj George
Administrative Technician, Administrative Services - Dina Miyoshi
Faculty, Psychology - Genevieve Esguerra
Student Affairs - New Membership
New Area (copy this line for new members)
(3) Classified or Faculty Representative (1) Other representatives
- Madeleine Hinkes
Dean, Institutional Effectiveness - Taj George
Administrative Technician, Administrative Services - Dina Miyoshi
Faculty, Psychology - Genevieve Esguerra
Student Affairs - New Membership
New Area (copy this line for new members)
(3) Classified or Faculty Representative (1) Other representatives
- Madeleine Hinkes
Dean, Institutional Effectiveness - Taj George
Administrative Technician, Administrative Services - Dina Miyoshi
Faculty, Psychology - Genevieve Esguerra
Student Affairs - New Membership
New Area (copy this line for new members)
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May 5,2020 Mesa 2030 Meeting |