Update 9/6/22
Update 7/27/2022
Each Coordinating body has shared with PIEC via a progress Report form the phase
of implementation we are in for each Strategic Objective. You can view on the spreadsheet
below. The Program Review Steering Committee, Faculty Hiring Prioritization Committee,
Classified Hiring Prioritization Committee, and Budget Recommendation Allocation Committee
has been working on aligning both program Review and Resource allocation to the Roadmap.
In Fall 2022, we will launch new Program Review workspaces which will have units develop
goals that align to the roadmap and request resources that support those goals. Over
the last year a taskforce has been working on a shared resource prioritization rubric
that aligns with the Roadmap as well as a shared set of resource request questions.
Update 12/1/2021
As part of our implementation efforts for the Roadmap to Mesa2030, Planning and Institutional
Effectiveness Committee [PIEC] went through each Strategic Objective [SO] below and
identified a proposed “Coordinating Body” that would be responsible for coordinating
with key stakeholders and collaborators to:
- Implement activities and programs associated with the SO
- Report progress back to PIEC
- Identify campus efforts that align with the objective
In the coming months, PIEC will develop a template and timeline for progress reporting
as well as support efforts to integrate SO’s into the Program Review workspaces.
We are excited to continue on the journey to being the Leading College of Equity and