Roadmap to Mesa2030

Introduction to the Roadmap

The images below represent the priorities of Mesa College for the first 5 years of the Mesa2030 plan. Included are Strategic Objectives and Collegewide Progress Measures organized around the 5 goals outlined in the Mesa2030 Comprehensive Master Plan. The Strategic Objectives will be supported by our annual planning and resource allocation processes, including connection to department and unit plans and larger campus efforts. Mesa Pathways, Equity, Strong Workforce, professional learning, are examples but not limited to these efforts.

Assessment of Progress

The Office of Institutional Effectiveness will develop dashboards, updated annually, using the Progress Measures identified below. An Equity Gap Analysis will be conducted for all metrics across: race/ethnicity, gender, CCPG/Pel Status, AB540 Status, LGBTQ+ identity, DSPS Status, and any other characteristic identified by the equity planning process. The Planning and Institutional Effectiveness Committee will use the dashboard to assess the Colleges’ progress toward achieving the Mesa2030 goals and share a report with the campus each Spring.

The 5 Mesa 2030 goals: Completion, Scholarship, Pathways and Partnerships, Stewardship, and Community.

View Mesa College Strategic Plan Roadmap to Mesa2030 PDF

completion diagram scholarship diagram pathways and partnerships diagram stewardship diagram community diagram
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