canvas support
Here are several options for faculty looking for support with Canvas.
The MOST coaches are also available to help with your Teaching with Canvas questions.
The Pronto discussion in the Teaching Tree for Canvas support.
24/7 Canvas Help is available via chat in the Canvas Help Menu and phone 1-844-612-7422
Canvas Instructor Guide
Canvas Student Guide
Canvas Video Guides
All the Canvas Guides
Video Resource
District Training
SDCCD Online Learning Pathways offers frequent training opportunities for faculty across the District. Here are links to some of their resources:
SDCCD OLP's Faculty Training Calendar
Open OnDemand from SDCCD OLP - A collection of tutorial videos and webinar recordings
SDCCD OLP facilitates our Online Faculty Certification Program (OFCP)
To contact SDCCD Online Learning Pathways about their training options, please visit their staff page.
@ONE Training
The Online Network of Educators (@ONE) provides professional development opportunities across the California Community
College system.
Introductory Canvas courses
Byte-sized Canvas video series