Instructional Design
Katie Palacios
SD Mesa College
LOFT Instructional Designer
Resources & communities for instructional design
- MOST - Mesa's Ongoing Support for Teaching - We now have a team of Mesa colleagues to assist you with instructional design and equitable teaching across modalities.
- Mesa LOFT Online - a collection of professional learning resources for Mesa.
- Teaching Tree - a space for synchronous and asynchronous idea-sharing around equity-minded teaching.
- Faculty Inquiry Groups (FIGs) - opportunities to work collaboratively with colleagues on course redesign projects.
- MOST Toolkit - Rubric Practices - a collection of Distance Education (DE) course design ideas and practices created with Mesa DE colleagues.
- Instructional design template worksheets (Google Docs)
- Search the Canvas Commons for "Katie Palacios" for Canvas items that Katie has shared to be imported and customized for your course.
- @ONE has awesome professional development resources including these free open-enrollment courses.
- Katie's YouTube Channel
- LOFT's YouTube Channel
Helpful DE resources from District