Do you feel you are OVER-QUALIFIED for a particular math course? If so, you may challenge
the course, possibly qualifying to enroll in the next higher course. First review
the Process to ensure that you qualify to take an advancement exam.
Steps to take:
- READ the Topics/Description (below) for the desired class.
- TAKE the appropriate Practice/Sample Exams (below).
- CHECK your answers (below).
- If you feel you are ready to take the actual exam prior to the start of the semester,
contact the Admissions Department at
- After passing the appropriate exam, discuss your options with the Department Chair
or your current instructor.
NOTE: If taking the exam prior to the beginning of the semester, you MUST take (and pass)
the exam 2 weeks prior to the beginning of the semester. If taking the exam after
the semester has begun to add a class that semester, you must take (and pass) the
exam during the first week of a semester. The Add/Drop deadline still applies. Remember,
it takes time to grade these exams. So get started EARLY!
Advancement exams can not be retaken. Only one challenge exam may be taken. Failing
a challenge exam will not change a student's math level.
How to Submit your "Petition to Challenge" request
Math 96: Algebra and Geometry
Math 104: Trigonometry
Math 116: College Algebra
Math 121: Calculus
Math 141: PreCalculus
Math 150: Calculus