Library research computers
Library Services


Additional Services


General Services

Reference Services / Assistance in Using Library Resources

Location: Reference Desk (First Floor - Reference Area)

Service: Professional librarians offer students help in locating library materials and finding specific information.

Materials Check-Out

Location: Check-Out Counter (First Floor - Lobby)

Service: Library personnel assist students in checking out and returning books (including course reserves and interlibrary loan materials). Click here to learn more about the library's check-out policies.

Interlibrary Borrowing

Location: Reference Desk, Check-Out Counter (First Floor)

Service: If you would like to check out a book from the City or Miramar campuses and you are not able to travel to their libraries, we can obtain the book for you. It will take 3-4 working days, and we will notify you when the book arrives. 

In some cases we may also be able to obtain, on your behalf, books and photocopied articles from libraries outside of the San Diego Community College District. Click here for our form: out-of-district interlibrary loan service.

Library Instruction

Location: Inquire at Reference Desk (First Floor)

Service: The library instruction program includes both class and individualized instruction. Faculty members may request library instruction for their classes. Likewise, students may arrange for individualized instruction by making an appointment. For more information regarding class instruction sessions, see procedures for scheduling library instruction sessions, or contact Miguel Murillo Ayala, Instruction Librarian at 619-388-5034 (