Mesa Journeys



  faculty forms and support

Student Affairs
faculty forms and support

did you know bp 5500


All members of the San Diego Community College District community are expected to treat other community members with civility and respect, recognizing that disagreement and informed debate are valued in an academic community. . . Demeaning, intimidating, threatening, or physically or emotionally violent behaviors that affect the ability to learn or work in the District environment are not consonant with the standards of civility and respect as expected in the District and are unacceptable as outlined in related district policies and procedures.

Click here to view BP 7150: CIVILITY AND MUTUAL RESPECT


Community Rights poster

As a faculty, classified professional, or community member, if you have experienced an incident/concern on campus or on Zoom, and would like to file a report to Student Affairs, please complete the Incident/Concern Reporting Form directly below.  Such incidents/concerns could include behavioral misconduct and/or any type of discrimination or harassment.

Referral form for Student of Concern
Please submit the Referral form for Student of Concern to address any concerns you may have regarding a student. Such concerns may include mental health concerns, concerns about what a student is writing in class, students experiencing anxiety or depression, concerns regarding a student basic needs not being met, or any concern you may have regarding a student.  This form is sent directly to Suzanne Khambata, Director of Student Health Services.  Student Health Services will contact you to acquire more information and will reach out to the student to offer resources and assistance.

Incident/Concern Reporting Form
Please submit the Incident/Concern Reporting Form if you have experienced an incident involving any type of incident or concern on campus, in the classroom, or on zoom. These incidents/concerns could include disruptions, acts of discrimination or harassment, or student concerns. If you are experiencing an emergency, please call College Police Dispatch at 619-388-6405 (if on campus or in zoom) or 911.  Upon submission this form will be directed through our online Maxient system to the appropriate departments.

Faculty Removal of Student Displaying Disruptive Behavior
In the event, that a student (either in an online or on-campus course) becomes disruptive, such that their behavior is interfering with the learning environment, the instructor my remove the student for up to five instructional days for an online class and two instructional days for an on-campus class.

On Campus Removal Form
Online Removal Form

  • The Student Rights and Responsibilities Coordinator will work with the professor, the Chair, School Dean, and the Dean of Online Learning to remove the student from the course for the prescribed period of time.
  • When a student has been removed from class, the student will meet with the Student Rights and Responsibilities Coordinator to discuss why they have been removed and what is expected of them upon their return. In addition, the student will be offered resources on campus, to they may be successful upon their return.  Our goal is to utilize restorative practices to rebuild the relationship between the student, the instructor, and the classroom community.
  • Acceptance of make-up work during the removal is at the discretion of the instructor in accordance with Administrative Procedure 3100.2. Absences pursuant to the removal shall be counted as an excused absence.
  • If an incident involves, racial, gender, or any type of civil rights violation, or violence on zoom or in the classroom, please immediately remove the disruptive student and separate you and your students, and immediately contact College Police 619-388-6405, Student Affairs 619-388-2699, School Dean, and Chair of the Department.
  • After the emergency is addressed, please submit the Incident/Concern Reporting form.

Academic Honesty

  • When a faculty member believes a student has committed an act of academic dishonesty, it is recommended that the faculty member arrange an informal conference with the student to advise the student of the allegation and discuss the supporting evidence. If needed, your department Chair may be present. Goal: Bring involved parties together so that the situation can be discussed and an appropriate solution determined.
  • Faculty assigns academic sanctions and informs student of penalty for the act of academic dishonesty (zero on assignment or exam, re-submission of assignment, lowering of grade).
  • If an academic sanction is assigned, the incident must be reported in writing using the Faculty Academic Sanction form within ten instructional days to the School Dean who shall send a copy of the report to the Student Rights and Responsibilities Coordinator.
  • If a student is found to have committed an act of academic dishonesty, faculty may sanction the student only for that particular assignment.
  • Please see the Academic sanction tutorial.
  • The Office of Student Affairs utilizes restorative practices and reinforces community standards when meeting with students to address academic sanction violations and apply administrative sanctions when applicable under Administrative Procedure 3100.3
  • The process of a student appealing an academic sanction can be found here (AP 3100.3, Section 3)


Academic Honesty Statement - Download and share 

Board Policy 5500 - Download and share

Community Rights Flyer - Download and share

Campus Civility Statement
- Download and share

Student Acknowledgement of Academic Honesty
- Download and share

Student Code of Conduct Poster - Download and share

Student Affairs Rights and Resposibilities Newsletter (Spring 2023)

Mesa College Restorative Practices Webpage