Using Your GI Bill
Quick Tips
San Diego City, Mesa and Miramar College requires that Veteran Students pay enrollment fees and tuition at time of registration. Students are not enrolled in a class until payment has been received. Students will be reimbursed once the Department of Veterans Affairs pays the college.
When registering for classes be sure to keep in mind short term classes may affect your BAH. When looking for classes on the online class schedule look at the start and end dates. For more information on short term classes please contact the Veterans Certifying Official in the Veterans Affairs Office.
If you are only enrolled in online and/or hybrid (part online part classroom instruction) classes you will only be eligible for 50% of the national average of all Basic Allowances for Housing.
VA will only authorize payment for the minimum required classes that are part of your major. So if you already completed the course once VA will not authorize payment for that class. Please refer to your student education plan when registering for classes and contact a counselor if you have any questions regarding your student education plan.
It is important to register on your assigned date and time. This increases the chance you will get the classes you need.
Veteran students must pay up-front tuition and other related fees after registering for classes. Once the DVA has sent payment, the college will reimburse you the remaining balance.
Ensure your contact information is always updated with the college Veterans Affairs Office. View and update your information on Reg-E.
For additional benefit details visit the Mesa Veterans Office