Honors Club
Follow us on social media (link coming soon) and check us out on our website! Send an email for more information to sdmesahonorsclub@gmail.com
Join the Honors Canvas Shell
In this Canvas shell, you will find up-to-date information about the Honors Club by
selecting the button from the homepage below:

Mesa Honors Club Advisors:
Danté Jones and Ingrid Jayne
Email: mesahonors@sdccd.edu
Honors Officers
Ayah Elzein | President | sdmesahonorsclub@gmail.com |
Kirsten Warren and Sofia Zukowa | Vice President | |
Neelin Cheang and Cali Ronquillo | Secretary | |
Hannah Wilson | Treasurer | |
Vacant | Director of Honors Opportunities | |
Vacant | Director of Service | |
Vacant | Co-Director of Service | |
Vacant | Co-Director of Service | |
Vacant | Director of Fundraising | |
Vacant | Co-Director of Fundraising | |
Vacant | Co-Director of Fundraising | |
Vacant | Director of Social Media | |
Vacant | Director of Honors Ambassadors | |
Vacant | Director of Public Relations | |
Vacant | Co-Director of Public Relations | |
Vacant | ICC Representative | |
Vacant | ICC Representative | |
Vacant | Photographer | |
Vacant | Photographer | |
Victor Tran | Webmaster | victort2298@gmail.com |
Honors Club Meetings
All meetings will be held in the Honors Center in K108 unless otherwise posted.
General Meeting first and third Wednesdays 2pm-3pm
Officers Meeting TBD
Volunteer Opportunities