General Information
After the Jumpstart welcome event, participants can choose from the workshops below to attend. Attend the session that best meets your interest and schedule. Each workshop will run three times. All workshops will be 30 minutes with a 10 minute passing period. For full schedule details, visit the Jumpstart Schedule page.
Learn more on our Virtual Resource Informational Fair page.
Transitioning to College
Gabriel Adona, Counselor - Counseling Faculty
The transition from high school to college can be difficult for every member of a family, so in this workshop we will discuss questions that you may have about making the transition to college, deciding the proper pathway for their degree, and making the transfer process at Mesa, smoother and easier. We will also discuss your transition from parent to peer at this new stage of life, and how your new role can empower your young adult to become more responsible for their education and future. Join us for a lively discussion on how to effectively support your young adult!
Cash in on Community College (Financial Aid Workshop)
Saul Quiroz, Financial Aid Director - Financial Aid
Learn about Financial Aid by attending this financial aid workshop, you will learn about basic information on the application process for Federal and State aid. This workshop will provide you with information about student aid opportunities from the federal government and state. You will be able to ask questions about the different types of aid or any questions pertaining to the subject matter.
Cash in on Community College (Financial Aid Workshop - Spanish Only)
Julissa Samano, Student Services Technician - Financial Aid
Aprenda de Ayuda Financiera – Español:
Al asistir a este taller de ayuda financiera, aprenderá sobre el proceso de aplicación
para la ayuda federal y estatal. Este taller le proporcionará información sobre las
oportunidades de ayuda estudiantil del gobierno federal y estatal. Podrá formular
preguntas sobre los diferentes tipos de ayuda o cualquier pregunta relacionada con
el tema
Jump Start Your Career!
Pavel Consuegra, Adjunct Professor - Work Based Learning; Shawn Fawcett, Work Based Learning Coordinator; Katlin Choi, Adjunct Professor - Work Based Learning
Prepare now for your career with real-world experiences inside and outside the classroom. Attend this workshop to learn how you can explore career options, develop workplace skills, and engage with employers through hands-on activities such as job shadows, industry panels, workplace tours, internships, and more! Connect with the Work-Based Learning team to jump start your career at Mesa College!
Let's Talk Transfer: How to Get Started
Anne Hedekin, Counselor - Counseling Faculty
Jump into the basics of transfer. Get an overview of key components of successful transfer to UCs and CSUs from Mesa College.
The Bell Doesn't Ring Anymore
Current Mesa Student(s)
Transitioning into a new school or college can be a challenging experience for students, but this student-led panel discussion can help you get a head start! Mesa College students will share their experiences and the lessons they learned while transitioning to life at Mesa College, giving you the boost you need to thrive when the bell doesn’t ring anymore.
Disability Accommodations in College
Erika Higginbotham, DSPS Coordinator
Join us for an informative workshop designed specifically for incoming Mesa College students to learn about the ways that the Disability Support Programs and Services (DSPS) department supports students with IEP, 504 plans and documented medical conditions. In this interactive session, participants will gain valuable insights into the resources, accommodations, and services tailored to meet their individual needs. Attendees will learn how to navigate the process of requesting accommodations, accessing services and some of the differences between high school, noncredit and college.
The Promise Experience
Jocelyn Werlinger, Acting Student Services Technician and Makayla Srioudom, Project Assistant
Learn more about what the San Diego Promise Program has to offer and how to apply. The San Diego Promise covers the cost of tuition for up to two years at San Diego City, Mesa, and Miramar colleges or provides textbook grants of $200 per semester to students who also qualify for CCPG (California College Promise Grant, formerly known as the Board of Governor’s Fee Waiver).
Benefits include:
- Up to two years of free tuition and health fees
- Books grants for eligible students
- Access to Peer Mentors
- Exclusive events and support opportunities
La Experiencia de La Promesa (Spanish Only)
Makayla Srioudom, Project Assistant, y Guillermo Martinez, Project Assistant. El taller en espanol sera el segundo (10:25-10:55 am)
Obten más información sobre el Programa “ Promesa” y como aplicar. San Diego Promise cubre el costo de la colegiatura hasta dos años en los Colegios de San Diego City, Mesa y Miramar o proporciona becas para libros de texto de $200 por semestre a estudiantes que también califiquen para CCPG (California College Promise Grant, anteriormente conocida como Board of Governor’s Fee Waiver).
Beneficios incluidos:
- Hasta dos años de colegiatura y gastos de salud gratuitos
- Becas de libros para los estudiantes elegibles
- Acceso a mentores estudiantiles
- Eventos exclusivos y oportunidades de soporte
¡Vamos Adelante con Mesa College!
Clemente Ayala, EOPS/Borderless Scholars Counselor
¡Asistan a este taller virtual para aprender mas sobre “Mesa College” y todo lo que le puede ofrecer a su estudiante! Durante este taller recibirán información sobre: Pasos de Matriculación, y programas y servicios ofrecidos en Mesa College. El taller será presentado en Español.
Attend this virtual workshop to learn more about Mesa College and all that it can offer your student. During this workshop, you will receive information about: Matriculation steps, and programs and services offered at Mesa College. The workshop will be presented in Spanish.
Campus Tours
Peer Navigators and Outreach Ambassadors
Join us and discover the “Mesa Olympian Experience” through a campus tour hosted by our Peer Navigators and Outreach Ambassadors. You will have an opportunity to explore the campus while gaining insightful information from current Mesa students.
Questions and Contact
Jumpstart is presented by San Diego Mesa College. Call 619-388-2699 with any questions.
Requests for disability accommodations must be made five (5) working days prior to the event. Please contact the Student Affairs Department at 619-388-2699 or by email at