Pride Center

Welcome to the Pride Center

The Pride Center at San Diego Mesa College aims to promote a safe environment where LGBTQIA+ students, staff, faculty, and allies can be their authentic selves, feel welcomed, comfortable and at home. Whether you identify as LGBTQIA+ or an ally, thank you for visiting our page.

Remember, there is always a place for you on our campus!

Join our mailing list to receive information about our resources, events, and much more!

Pride Center Services

The Pride Center offers centralized services for LGBTQIA+ students:

  • Academic/Career/Personal Counseling
  • Specialized Workshops - Identity, academic, mental health related
  • Free Gender Affirming Gear
  • Computer Lab and Printing
  • School Supplies
  • Pride Library filled with LGBTQIA+ affirming literature and authors
  • Safe Zone Trainings offered to students and faculty
  • Gender-Sexuality Alliance Student Organization meetings
  • Space to connect with other folx
  • Free Personal Hygiene & Care Supplies
  • Connections to Community Resources
  • Leadership Opportunities
  • and much more!

LGBTQIA+ Library

What is the LGBTQIA+ Library?

Hello Mesa Olympians! We are excited to inform you that your San Diego Mesa College Pride Center will be opening an LGBTQIA+ Library in the near future. This library will consist of literature that are representative of the diverse identities within our community and that which reflect Mesa's student and faculty populations. Such books can include LGBTQIA+ representation in characters or may be written by LGBTQIA+ identifying authors.

Share your recommendations for LGBTQIA+ literature. Fill out our form.

Mesa's Pride Resource Guide - Learn more about LGBTQIA+ Pride by checking out Mesa College's Pride Resource Guide. This guide consists of everything regarding our LGBTQIA+ history and the emergence of the Pride movement. The Pride Resource Guide is brought to you by Mesa Learning Resource Center and the Equity & Engagement Librarian, Edeama Onwuchekwa.


Why are Pronouns Important?
Using someone's correct pronouns is a way to respect, affirm, and validate them. This creates an inclusive environment for our LGBTQIA+ community. This is similar to how we use a person's name as a sign of respect. Just as it is offensive to not use someone's preferred name, it can be offensive to guess at someone's pronouns and refer to them using those pronouns if that is not how that person identifies. Or worse, by actively choosing to ignore the pronouns someone has stated that they go by , this could imply that their identity is not valid. This is especially harmful toward intersex, transgender, nonbinary, and gender nonconforming people.


Pride Center Fall 2024 Events!

Pride Center Staff

Support our LGBTQIA+ Community

San Diego Mesa College is proud to announce the establishment of the LGBTQ+ Inclusivity and Equity Fund. Donations go towards student scholarships, programs, inclusiveness, equity, and understanding for students idenifying as LGBTQIA+.

The program promotes acceptance, belong, safety, compassion, positive self-efficacy, and confidence designed to help students succeed socially and academically.
